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What is Obesity and How to lose weight?

“If you do not have control over your mouth, you will not have control over your future”. A lot of people in our country and even […]

7 Amazing Coconut water benefits that you did not know before

If you are an organic-food lover, then coconut water might be the best beverage you could consume. Coconut water benefits are numerous: It helps in weight […]

How to use aloe vera gel | five ways to use aloe vera:

Aloe vera has been known for its healing properties for thousands of years it’s got antiviral and antibacterial properties and the ability to help treat everything […]

15 WhatsApp Features that are just amazing

  Here we are with 15 amazing WhatsApp features that you probably did not know of before. The WhatsApp app is a simple communication app, popular […]

Coronavirus vaccine update

Coronavirus Vaccine update: What is actually going on? (Complete information) In the current situation, where lockdowns and other preventive measures do not seem to stop the […]

اپنے رزق میں دوسروں کو شامل کریں

اپنے رزق میں دوسروں کو شامل کریں….!!! اگر آپ اچھا رزق کما رہے ہیں تو یقین جانیں اس میں آپ کی ذہانت یا صلاحیتوں کا کوئی […]

مشہور گناہِ کبیرہ کی فہرست

وہ گناہ جن پر عذاب کی وعید ہے، جو بغیر سچی توبہ کے معاف نہیں ہوتے، اور جن میں سے ایک گناہ بھی جہنم میں لے […]

یمن کے بادشاہ تُبّع حمیری کا قصہ

By Abdullah حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے ایک ہزار سال پیشتر یمن کا بادشاہ تُبّع حمیری تھا، ایک مرتبہ وہ اپنی سلطنت کے دورہ کو […]

Coronavirus – Wikipedia

Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that are typically mild, such […]